Thursday 29 June 2017

Taniwha Art

We have looked at a few new  art techniques this term. One of these is resist art. This is achieved by first planning a design in chalk. We chose to design a taniwha because we had been reading Maori myths. Next we coloured our page using crayons, taking care to plan for white space by using white crayon. Finally, we used a black dye to wash all over our work. The waxy crayons resist the dye instead fills all the little spaces and washes over our chalk lines giving our work some sharp black outlines. Cool! Come and see them all in the foyer and class.

Fairy Bread Procedural Writing

Reading procedures is something we do all the time when baking, cooking, building a flat pack or constructing a Lego set but have you ever tried writing one? Ensuring you have ALL the steps can be a challenge and it is easy to assume other people will 'know what you're talking about'. Well, in class we set our selves a little challenge to write the instructions needed for fairy bread... and a buddy had to follow them. We had some interesting outcomes with some sprinkles but no butter, too many sprinkles, not quite enough sprinkles and some very strange crust cutting instructions. On the whole though we did a great job and boy did it taste good!